# Audio & EQ basics

# Recommended articles and videos

While not necessary to the guide, the readings from Dale's Music Stuff from HE1 up to HE7 are good, easy-to-digest yet in-depth articles that explain a lot of concepts and ideas that are immediately relevant to the task. It is focused on headphones, but the same general rules and suggestions also apply to IEMs. Reading them will provide much more information than what is given here in terms of audio and the hobby as a whole, while this guide is for the most part solely dedicated to EQ. Crinacle's Graphs 101: How to Read Headphone Measurements is also an interesting read that dives into measurements and how to read them.

The following videos are also fun and intuitive ways of understanding audio and EQ.
How Audio Illusions Trick Our Brains
Every sound is SINE
How to TUNE your headphones (the easy way!)
EQ Basics - Watch BEFORE you get started!
The Limits of EQ - A case against using EQ profiles for headphones

# Measurements and warnings

Measurements in the headphone and IEM community often refer to frequency (magnitude) response (FR) plots where the x-axis represents frequency, in this case the audible spectrum band (20 Hz to 20 000 Hz or 20 kHz) in logarithmic scale to match how human hearing work. The y-axis represents amplitude/loudness/SPL, usually in dB, in linear scale. Together, they form a graph that shows how loud something is at specific frequencies. An important thing to always check is the scale of each axis; these are commonly modified to skew perception. These measurements are important for two reasons.

Do note that music can also be represented in such plots, where different frequencies will have different amplitudes. For example, imagine a song where there is only bass music playing, and another that only has a flute: the bass song will have higher amplitudes at lower frequencies, while the flute song will have higher amplitudes at higher frequencies. Of course, music has a time component, meaning that a singular FR graph of music only represents a snapshot of the music at a specific time. Intuitively, one might assume that IEMs also have a time component; this is covered in the FAQ. All that is important for now is that an IEM's FR is all that really matters when it comes to objective metrics.

Example of a frequency response graph. Example of a frequency response graph.

IEM measurements are significantly more prominent than others because they are devices that are easy to measure compared to headphones and loudspeakers. Further more, the prevalence of affordable clone couplers - coupler in this case referring to the measurement device - made it so that IEM measurements have become widespread in a very short amount of time while still somewhat adhering to the established standard for measuring such devices. This widespread prevalence of high quality measurements is very useful for EQ purposes as well as for getting a rough idea of how an IEM will sound like.

This does not mean that measurements are infallible. Clone couplers are manufactured by unknown companies/groups in dubious conditions, and while they might comply with the relevant standards, they are not nearly as precise and/or as consistent as official gear. Not only that, measurements might not match what the user/listener is hearing. This topic is addressed later; for now, note that having a proper seal is important for bass frequencies. It is therefore important to understand the following rules in order to avoid problems with regards to FR graphs and measurements.

Another aspect that should considered is compensation, which is used in two ways in the community. The first one uses compensation as a way to more easily see the error/deviation of an FR curve to another. Compensation in this manner improves "readability", and makes the EQ process easier.

Compensation of the Truthear Zero to the HarmanIE 2019 target, normalized at 1kHz
Compensation of the Truthear Zero to the HarmanIE 2019 target, normalized at 1kHz

The second way aims to correct/remove the errors introduced by the coupler. It can also be used to correct the coupler to a reference coupler, which can theoretically mean that measurements done on different couplers can be exchanged, provided they have been compensated properly. A full explanation of proper coupler compensation is beyond the scope of this guide; just know that it is complicated and requires a lot of data to work properly.

The 5128∆ project aims to create such compensations for various different databases on squig.link; more precisely, the compensations use Crinacle's coupler as a reference (more information about databases in the Measurement databases and tools section). Therefore, compensated measurements in databases that are a part of the 5128∆ project can be compared to those in Crinacle's database, and by extension to other 5128∆-compliant squig databases as well.

# Targets and preferences

While a lot of research in terms of sound preference has been done on loudspeakers and headphones, what has been done with IEMs has been less thorough. To better understand measurements, it is important to understand the intersectionality between preference, perceived accuracy, and anatomy.

Grasping the above is important because it explains why IEM measurements and preference targets are not flat, and why they have a large rise after 1kHz (commonly referred to as ear gain). The couplers used for measurements aim to simulate the eardrum where resulting measurement will reflect the FR at the eardrum after having been influenced by parts of the body. These changes that the brain expects are called Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTF), and it is this HRTF that is responsible for sound localization. Of course, different people will have different HRTFs due to differences in anatomy, and these differences become significant in certain frequency ranges. While HRTF variation is quite high, there is still value in trying to find a preference target that sounds pleasing to the majority of people, which is why preference research is still ongoing. The image below is commonly used to explain HRTF; only the concept of the rise and fall of the FR should be noted, as all the other minutiae is not applicable to IEMs/headphones.

Different changes caused by anatomy on incoming sound and FR. Ignore the angle of incidence part
Different changes caused by anatomy on incoming sound and FR. Ignore the angle of incidence part

The most "researched" target comes from Harman, and the latest iteration of their IEM target is their Harman In-ear (HarmanIE) 2019v2 target. Despite being the most thoroughly researched target, there has been a lot of pushback against this target. Furthermore, many prominent reviewers have also included their own personal preference targets in their databases. Oftentimes these targets are either existing preference targets with tweaks (eg some variation on HarmanIE) or a mix of different FR parts of different IEMs they like (eg combining the bass of X IEM, mid range of Y IEM, and treble of Z IEM).

The following is a brief summary of important preference target curves, as well as other curves that are not based on preference. There are also more informative and in-depth explanations of each of them in the [Measurement rigs, curves, and preference targets] section.

# Human hearing

The human hearing mechanism is complex, and can only be summarized in an almost-vulgar, oversimplified manner. A few more of the relevant concepts to this guide are discussed.

Auditory masking
Auditory masking

Equal-Loudness Contours
Equal-Loudness Contours

# Equalizer basics

An equalizer (EQ) is a tool used to modify a signal, in this case an audio signal. In most cases, it is used as a way to change the amplitude for a specific frequency range/band.

There are different types of EQs, ranging from analog/digital EQs to parametric and graphic ones. Parametric EQs (PEQ) allow the user to change all three parameters, and provide a nice balance between being flexible, and being easy to modify and use. Unless stated otherwise, EQ will refer to PEQ for the rest of the guide.

The following image shows three FRs in three different colors. The red one is the base one with no filters, while the green and blue ones have different filters in order to showcase what each parameter does. The table includes the filters used in increasing order of frequency; the three left columns are for the blue FR, the three right columns for the green one.

Peak filters
Peak filters

Frequency (Hz) Gain (dB) Q Frequency (Hz) Gain (dB) Q
50 5 3 50 8 3
1000 10 3 1000 10 1
9000 5 3 10000 -10 4
12000 5 3

The only parameter that was not discussed is the filter type. In this guide, three types are used the most often.

Shelf filters
Shelf filters

Frequency (Hz) Gain (dB) Q Frequency (Hz) Gain (dB) Q
100 8 0.4 100 8 0.707
9000 5 1 9000 -3 3

Shelf filters are useful for large changes for which precision is not needed, and are often used for customizing preference targets. For example, if the HarmanIE 2019 target sounded too bassy, simply adding a bass shelf filter with negative gain can be a simple yet effective fix. Same thing for treble: if there is too much or too little of it, use a high shelf filter to change the whole range. Shelf filters are generally used only for the two ends of the frequency range because of their nature, with Q values of 0.5, 0.71, or 1. More will be covered in relevant sections.

When using EQ, there is also preamplification that has to be taken into account. In the digital domain - computer, phone, etc - volume has an upper limit. Exceeding this limit results in digital clipping, which can happen when an EQ preset has large boosts. To avoid this, a preamp is used which reduces the digital volume. Preamp values should always be negative dB values, and should correspond to the highest amplitude change of the EQ preset. For example, taking the blue FR in the first image with peak filters, the preamp would have to be -10 dB. If only the last two filters are considered, then the preamp would have to be -7 dB; the preamp does not necessarily correspond to the highest gain value of a filter, but rather the highest gain value overall, since summed filters can result in larger amplitudes/gain.

# Tools and software

Now that the basics are done with, here is what's needed for using EQ.

# EQ App

The following link is useful for finding what EQ software is best for a specific OS or device. Do note that these are options that are compatible with AutoEQ; there are other software/hardware that also do EQ, such as VST plugins and more, but they might have different ways of calculating filter slopes.
Choosing an Equalizer app
Do note that because of how the Android audio stack works, there are slight differences in how different apps implement their EQ.
Measurements of Wavelet and Poweramp EQ system-wide PEQ on Android
For the rest of the guide, EqualizerAPO with the PeaceGUI will be used; differences between different apps that have PEQ are very minor. Depending on the complexity of how EQ is being used, additional software and tools might be required.

# Measurement databases and tools

For IEMs specifically, the most comprehensive database is a collection of individual databases (commonly referred to as squigs) all under the squiglink group. While it does contain the most measurements out of any other database, measurement quality can vary between different individual databases, and each individual might not have the same measurements as others. It also has many features such as an in-built Equalizer that provides immediate visual feedback, measurement importing, and more. There are instructions and explanations when clicking on the yellow question marks, one for navigation and the other for the 5128∆ project.
Another notable database is from Crinacle, who has the most extensive individual database. The size of his database, as well as his B&K 5128 database have led to him being at the center of the 5128∆ project.
There are a few other individual databases that are also noteworthy:
HypeTheSonics (FR, distortion, noise attenuation, and more. Also has a B&K 5128 database)
WoodenEars (FR, distortion, and more. Also has a few B&K 5128 measurements)
Rtings (FR, distortion, and more)